FUND-YOU Project

Fund You -“Fundraising and Innovation intelligence capacity for youth organisations and youth involved young people” – aims at supporting youth organisations (including informal youth groups) to acquire a set of skills that allow them to use fundraising and innovation intelligence to participate more widely in society, contributing to community development and social cohesion. 

Youth organisations report that they lack the skills needed to be able to effectively raise the funds they need. In recent years we have seen a significant reduction in funding to the youth charity sector from national and local government. This adds up to an acute need for more support for smaller non profit youth organisations including: more and easier to access grant funding from all sources; support to build fundraising and other skills and capacity; a smarter, more agile and more sustainable longer-term approach to fund-raising. 

Building on extensive EU-wide research on fundraising and organisational innovation good practices, FUND-YOU is developing two main outputs: a set of practical tools to implement innovation processes within youth organisations, including Fundraising, and a ‘blended (online and offline) ‘coaching set’ – matched to the Toolkit – to enable youth organisations, their staff, volunteers and young people working with them to acquire the skills needed for smarter fundraising and organisational innovation.


Co-ordinator: Alphabet Formation, Belgium

Arcola Research, UK

Appis, Portugal

Gide, France

I-fund, Italy

Xano Channel, Spain

Monomyths, Romania

This project has been financed under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, project No. 2019-3-BE04-KA205-002640

Click here to visit the FUND-YOU Project website